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Designed for YOU and Designed for Growth!
Speaker training – The Power of Your Voice
If your goal is to share your story on a stage, we invite you to take part in our unique self-discovery process that begins & ends with your story.
Our process IS NOT about perfection, timing & pitch.
The VoiceStory process is all about authenticity, vulnerability & being real.
A powerful shift happens when one becomes aware & embraces the power of their own voice, as it can resonate with others who share similar emotions, successes and challenges.
Emotion connects humanity & it is the voice that delivers the message, person to person or to several thousands, and this relentless force can be awoken from within.
We will work with you to weave these elements together and aligning the story to who you are. So the next time you share your story, not only do you believe it, you will feel it too.
4 coaching sessions, 2 stage practice sessions, professionally recorded and edited video.
Program is $899.00
For more information or to connect with a VoiceStory Architect about Speaker Training please contact us via email at empowerme@voicestory.ca
Story training – The Power of Your Story
If your goal is to share your story on a page, we invite you to take part in our unique self-discovery process that begins & ends with your story.
The VoiceStory Architects will help, mentor and guide you while you do the work and begin to break through the surface illusions. Then using real world tools and techniques, together we dive deep into who you are in order to draw out your unique stories, which can then be used to create connection and community.
Programs starting from $500/month
For more information or to connect with a VoiceStory Architect about Story Training please contact us via email at empowerme@voicestory.ca
Coaching – The Power of You
The power of a story always begins with self & this can be you.
VoiceStory is a platform designed to help you grow through your own story, as we firmly believe that everything you need to thrive in life – is within you – it’s in your story.
When you look deep enough, past the illusions you yourself created which are holding you back, you begin to realize how unique & powerful you really are.
Speak with a VoiceStory Architect to assess your needs so we can guide you in the best possible way.
Programs starting from $1000/month
For more information or to connect with a VoiceStory Architect about VoiceStory Coaching please contact us via email at empowerme@voicestory.ca