
Our curated list of themes for 2023

frequently asked questions

Q: What happens after I apply to speak?
You will schedule a call with a Story Architect, to go over your application and answer any questions you have about the show. The Story Architect will request that you submit a video recording of your story for review and explain the review process.
Q: Something came up! Can I reschedule my call with the Story Architect?
We understand that life happens and in consideration of all the other applicants in the submission queue, we will only allow you to reschedule your call with the Story Architect once.
Q: What happens if I miss my scheduled call?
If you miss your scheduled call your application will be void and you will be removed from consideration for the theme you applied for.
Q: When will I know if I was selected to speak?
We process all submissions in the order that they are received and try to review them within 72 hours, however, this timeframe can vary due to the number of applications we receive. If a show theme that you have applied for becomes full, we will update you as soon as possible. If there is a speaker opening available, and if a your video submission is approved, we will send you an invitation to speak for that show.
Q: How long do I have to submit a video for review?
After the application review call with a Story Architect, you have 5 days to submit a video of your draft story for review.
Q: What tips can you provide to ensure I record a good video submission?
We are not expecting a professionally recorded and edited video.

Our value of inclusiveness is designed to ensure non-professional speakers have an opportunity to share their story. So a recording using your cell phone, laptop, webcam is perfectly fine and please keep the following tips in mind:

Imagine that you are recording a video for an audition (because you are).

Be in a quiet setting to minimize any noise (example: music, tv, kids, pets, people speaking in the background) that would distract the reviewer from the story that you are sharing, or make it difficult to hear you speak.

Q: What is your video submission review process?
Videos are reviewed in the sequence they are received and invitations are given based on the approval of your submission and available spots (subject to inclusiveness, diversity and variety).

We have chosen to use a “traffic light” system to review all video submissions as follows:

green light = video submission is OK

yellow light = feedback given
a) video resubmission #1
a1) green light = video submission is OK
a2) feedback given
b) video submission #2
b1) green light = video submission is OK
b2) red light = video submission is not approved

red light = submitted video needs a lot of work, feedback is provided and resources suggested. The Applicant will not be considered for a period of 6 months from the review date.

Q: Why this 6 month period?
We believe there is a story to be told within you, however, there is work that we feel needs to be done to improve story structure, intention and delivery. All of this takes time and rushing this foundation work would be a mistake.
Q: Does receiving a “red light” result for my submission impact future applications to speak?
The “red light” result is not meant to be punitive.

It is meant to bring to your awareness, and provide the space required, to work on the skills, the story or both. If this “work” did not happen then it will be apparent in the next video submission. There is no permanent record, aka “blacklisted”, associated with you which would inhibit your ability to apply to speak at a future show.

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